Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Horror Trailer Closed Questionnaire Results - AUDIENCE RESEARCH

I have recently handed out my questionnaires to my mixed gender target audience of 15 -30 year olds and these are the results in which I have obtained...

Monday, 26 March 2012

Horror Trailer Closed Questionnaire - AUDIENCE RESEARCH

In order to get my audiences opinion on my horror trailer, I have decided to produce two questionnaires.

1. Closed Questionnaire
2. Open Questionnaire

I will hand out the questionnaires to my desired audience as this will allow me to get a clear view on what my target audience think of my A2 project.

Horror Trailer Open Questionnaire - AUDIENCE RESEARCH

Monday, 19 March 2012

Horror Trailer Song

We have decided to use the song 'Sweet Dreams' by 'Marilyn Manson' for our horror trailer. Not only do the lyrics of the song relate to the trailer but the song also relates to the horror genre of the trailer.

In order to get permission to use this song we have recently emailed the producers, and asked them personally if we are allowed to do this...

Monday, 5 March 2012

Update on Filming

Filming is almost finished as me and my group member have dedicated our time to our practical work. We have begun to edit with the scenes we have at the minute, however we can’t properly edit until we have all of the clips for our horror trailer.